Скачать презентацию How to Open a New Language in Web
Ex-Libris - Bespoke database and software solutions for cataloguing, indexing and managing library archives. Ex-libris Library Database Solutions 81. Any references in this document to non-Ex Libris Web sites are provided for convenience only and do not in any manner serve as an endorsement of those Web sites.
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How to Open a New Language in Web OPAC for Testing Web Screens Presenter: Yoel Kortick
Introduction It is often useful to open a new language in the web OPAC for testing web screens The new language is not an actual 'language', but rather a set of screens from a particular directory The web OPAC screens of each language comes from the corresponding $alephe_root/www_f_lng directory (where lng is a language code) In our case the English screens come from $alephe_root/www_f_eng and the standard Ex Libris screens will come from $alephe_root/www_f_exl New Language in Web OPAC 2
Why is this useful A problem may be encountered in the web OPAC It will not be known if this is a problem with the ALEPH web OPAC (programs and functionality) or a problem caused by customization of the html of the web screens By creating a language which includes the original Ex Libris web OPAC screens, it can be tested to see if the problem occurs on the standard Ex Libris screens. Standard Ex Libris screens will be used with actual library data. In our case this will be done by switching to language 'exl' in web OPAC and seeing if problem is reproduced. New Language in Web OPAC 3
The Setup $alephe_root www_f_eng English language local customized html web OPAC screens www_f_spa Spanish language local customized html web OPAC screens www_f_exl html web OPAC screens as the appear in standard Ex Libris version before customization New Language in Web OPAC 4
Ex Libris 7 0 – Library Database
Steps to create the language 1. Decide on three letter language Code. Add it to $alephe_tab/allowed_languages. We will use exltst-a 20(9) 84 c 84 < EXL FAN FAR --> FAN FAR FAT >>cd $alephe_tab/ >>diff allowed_languages. before. exl FAT FIJ FIN FIU FON FRE FRI FRM FRO FUL New Language in Web OPAC 5
Steps to create the language 2. Make a directory under $alephe_root which will be a 'brother' to the other web OPAC language screens Make a sub directory for the icons Create a directory for the ALEPH headers (error and other messages) in the corresponding language Here it is for new language 'exl' exltst-a 20(9) >>mkdir $alephe_root/www_f_exl/icon exltst-a 20(9) >>mkdir $aleph_root/error_exl New Language in Web OPAC 6
Steps to create the language 3. Copy the web OPAC screens from original version to the www_f_exl directory This is the whole point We want to have a directory containing the original screens and nothing customized. The standard screens are usually in directory $aleph_dev/alephe/www_f_eng/ Sometimes (depending on installation) the standard screens are in $aleph_dev/alephe. orig/www_f_eng/ The above directory also contains the sub directory of the icons The above directory also contains a 'brother' directory of the ALEPH headers. New Language in Web OPAC 7
>cd >>cp $alephe_root -p. R $aleph_dev/alephe. orig/www_f_eng/*' src='https://present5.com/presentation/502a91f719599b4d5537250d927f1d5c/image-8.jpg' alt='Steps to create the language exltst-a 20(9) >>cd >>cp $alephe_root -p. R $aleph_dev/alephe. orig/www_f_eng/*' /> Steps to create the language exltst-a 20(9) >>cd >>cp $alephe_root -p. R $aleph_dev/alephe. orig/www_f_eng/* www_f_exl/ $aleph_root -p. R $aleph_dev/aleph. orig/error_eng/* error_exl/ exltst-a 20(9) >>cd >>cp $alephe_root -p. R $aleph_dev/alephe/www_f_eng/* www_f_exl/ $aleph_root -p. R $aleph_dev/aleph/error_eng/* error_exl/ New Language in Web OPAC 8
Steps to create the language Note: • The directory $aleph_dev is the 'a tree' • $aleph_dev/alephe contains the 'original' alephe_root before customization to the libraries • $aleph_dev/alephe contains updates from the service packs New Language in Web OPAC 9
Steps to create the language 4. Define in $alephe_root/aleph_start the new ALEPH headers directory which we created Edit the file $alephe_root/aleph_start and add line: Add the following line to $alephe_root/aleph_start setenv alephe_error_exl $alephe_dev/alephe/error_exl Source the aleph_start file exltst-a 20(9) >>cd $alephe_root exltst-a 20(9) >>source aleph_start New Language in Web OPAC 10
Steps to create the language 5. Define option to use new language interface in files option-lng (for guest) and option-lng-session (for user who logged in) If you do not want end user to see this option then do not add it, and then you will need to change URL to arrive to screen (explained in detail later). If you do change the option-lng-* screens they should be changed for all existing languages so that you can arrive to the exl screens from any existing language. New Language in Web OPAC 11
Steps to create the language Here is the link in file $alephe_root/www_f_eng/option-lng*: New Language in Web OPAC 12
Steps to create the language Here is the link in the web: New Language in Web OPAC 13
Steps to create the language 6. Define the new language in the apache definitions: exltst-a 20(9) >>cd $alephe_root/apache/htdocs/$alephe_root >>mkdir www_f_exl >>cd $alephe_root/apache/htdocs/$alephe_root/www_f_exl >>ln -s $alephe_root/www_f_exl/icon New Language in Web OPAC 14 Scrivener 3 0.
Steps to create the language 7. Copy English language tables to new language code. The script in the following slide will copy every file which ends with. eng to the same file ending with. exl. For a different language change 'exl' to something else. The script works on usm libraries. For a different library change 'usm' to something else. This script does not do directory pc_tab/catalog because we are only dealing with web files. New Language in Web OPAC 15
Steps to create the language set crd = `pwd` foreach directory ($alephe_tab $usm 01_dev/usm 01/tab $usm 10_dev/usm 10/tab $usm 30_dev/usm 30/tab $usm 40_dev/usm 40/tab $usm 50_dev/usm 50/tab $usm 60_dev/usm 60/tab) cd $directory foreach f (*. eng) set new_file = `echo $f: r. exl` if (! -f $new_file) then cp -p $f $new_file endif end cd $crd New Language in Web OPAC 16
Steps to create the language 8. Add the new language to each path_convert. The script in the next slide will add language exl to each path convert and save the original path convert with extension 'no_exl'. For a different language change 'exl' to something else. The script works on usm libraries. For different libraries change 'usm' to something else. New Language in Web OPAC 17
Steps to create the language set crd = `pwd` foreach directory ($alephe_tab $usm 01_dev/usm 01/tab $usm 10_dev/usm 10/tab $usm 30_dev/usm 30/tab $usm 40_dev/usm 40/tab $usm 50_dev/usm 50/tab $usm 60_dev/usm 60/tab) cd $directory if (-f path_convert) then cp path_convert. no_exl grep eng path_convert. no_exl | sed 's/eng/exl/g' >> path_convert endif end cd $crd New Language in Web OPAC 18
Steps to create the language 9. If necessary, in file $alephe_tab/tab_base. exl specify that you want screens with no suffix (in case there are customized screens there for whatever reason). This might not be necessary. File tab_base. exl was copied from tab_base. eng, and may have already been defined to also work with screens with no suffix. Note: particular screens such as base-list-include will need to be configured. When this is the case only the base names (or field names in other cases) should be added/changed. No changing to the html should be done, that will defeat the whole purpose of using the origional screens. ) New Language in Web OPAC 19
change' src='https://present5.com/presentation/502a91f719599b4d5537250d927f1d5c/image-20.jpg' alt='Using the new language To use the new language either: Choose 'options > change' /> Using the new language To use the new language either: Choose 'options > change language' in the web OPAC and choose the new language This will work if you chose to edit file option-lng and option-lng-session Change URL manually to use new language New Language in Web OPAC 20
Using the new language - examples For EXL language search http: //il-aleph 02: 8991/F/? func=option-update-lng&file_name=find-b&P_CON_LNG=EXL For EXL language scan http: //il-aleph 02: 8991/F/? func=option-update-lng&file_name=scan&P_CON_LNG=EXL For English language search http: //il-aleph 02: 8991/F/? func=option-update-lng&file_name=find-b&P_CON_LNG=ENG For English language scan http: //il-aleph 02: 8991/F/? func=option-update-lng&file_name=scan&P_CON_LNG=ENG New Language in Web OPAC 21
Using the new language - examples After setting up the system as described here the library can: Search as normal in regular library to use customized screens Search in EXL language to see how the system behaves with standard Ex Libris screens. In this way when a problem is encountered it can be easily identified if the problem is resulting from OPAC html customization or not. New Language in Web OPAC 22
Quick Summary
The University of St. Thomas invites qualified candidates to apply for a Library Specialist – Databases and Licensing position within the Libraries.
The University of St. Thomas invites qualified candidates to apply for a Library Specialist – Databases and Licensing position within the Libraries.
Vaporum download free. The University of St. Thomas embraces diversity, inclusion, and equal opportunity for all. Our convictions of dignity, diversity and personal attention call us to embody and champion a diverse, equitable and inclusive environment. We welcome applicants of diverse races, ethnicities, geographic origins, gender identities, ages, socioeconomic backgrounds, sexual orientations, religions, work experience, physical and intellectual abilities, and financial means. We are committed to building a team that represents a variety of backgrounds, perspectives, and skills. This commitment is consistent with our mission to inspire our students, using the Catholic intellectual tradition, to think critically, work skillfully, and act wisely – all for the common good. A successful candidate will possess a commitment to the ideals of this mission.
Join Our Community
The University of St. Thomas offers a competitive and comprehensive benefits program, which includes:
- Up to 100% tuition remission for employees, spouses, and dependents upon eligibility
- A generous Employer retirement contribution of 9.4% of annual salary upon eligibility
- Medical, dental, and vision options
- Employer-paid disability, life, and AD&D benefits
Job Summary
The Library Specialist – Databases and Licensing position supports the educational and research mission of the University by acquiring and managing online library resources for our user community. This includes licensing, purchasing, renewing, providing access to, maintaining, and assessing resources using several related enterprise systems. This position focuses on the acquisition and management of electronic databases in particular, and also handles more complex license agreements for all library resources.
This position works closely as a team member with two other Library Specialists who acquire and manage physical and electronic books, journals, and media, as well as oversee the materials budget and do assessment of the libraries' collection. This team works together to administer over 90% of the Libraries' total budget – approximately $2.6 million. Library Specialists on this team develop and maintain best practices for acquiring and managing resources and initiate and manage projects, create procedures, and participate in decision-making in areas of expertise. Individuals on this team maintain a user-focused commitment and participate in library-wide decision-making.
Essential Functions
- Manage subscription and one-time purchases of online resources through all stages of acquisition and ongoing management.
- Manage ordering, receipt, and payment for the libraries' electronic databases.
- Manage the renewal and cancellation process for subscription databases, monitoring cancellation windows to ensure subscriptions are cancelled or renewed in a timely manner.
- License all resources in electronic format. Review, negotiate, extend, and manage licensing of library e-resources and streaming content. Maintain paper and digital files for more than 250 licenses.
- Maintain acquisitions-related metadata of new and existing content in the cloud-based library service platform (LSP), currently Ex Libris' Alma; in a locally created Microsoft Access database, and in multiple vendor portals/systems such as Minitex, OCLC, and Ebuy & Pay.
- Establish, monitor, and maintain quality vendor relationships. Negotiate offers and pursue discounts. Meet regularly with vendor representatives on behalf of the libraries. Schedule vendor visits to meet with library staff to demo new products and discuss current subscriptions.
- Ensure resources are reviewed regularly. Coordinate the review process with librarian selectors and other library staff. Gather usage data, interlibrary loan statistics, and any other pertinent information to review subscriptions for cancellation and monographs for weeding.
- Manage product trials to allow librarians, faculty, staff, and students access to new content for the purpose of review for purchase or subscription. Investigate new resources for possible purchase or subscription; and research new acquisition methods that may be advantageous for the libraries.
- Develop and maintain expertise in license review and management for the University Libraries
- Oversee the licensing process for all library resources; this includes reviewing licenses that are new or require more detailed analysis or consultation with University Administration; ensuring licenses are tracked in the library management system and copies are kept in physical files; maintaining some knowledge of copyright law and University guidelines; and consulting the AD for Collection Management & Services on complicated or unclear license requirements. Work closely with the AVP, Procurement Services, to ensure licenses for high-dollar resources are fully executed.
- Provide data and analysis to develop, monitor, and manage libraries materials budget.
- Prepare financial and statistical reports for resources that the incumbent manages; maintain accurate acquisition records; reconcile selected library budget lines across systems (Alma and Banner). Estimate allocations and manage library funds for resources incumbent manages throughout the budget cycle.
- Use Alma Analytics, Microsoft Access, and other tools to develop reports to support collection analysis.
- Collaborate with the Collection Management Committee, subject roundtables, librarian liaisons, Electronic Resources Librarian, and other Library Specialists in the investigation, acquisition, and management of library resources in all formats and help train new liaisons on the selection and acquisitions process of electronic databases
- Ensure optimal and accurate user access to subscribed and purchased e-resources.
- Maintain accurate local holdings information (current and perpetual) for library resources across multiple systems.
- Activate and deactivate resources regularly in the LSP. With the E-Resources Librarian, monitor update lists and manage projects to update and otherwise maintain e-collections.
- Practice proactive methods to preempt access problems (monitor renewals, platform changes, vendor announcements; handle claims, etc.)
- Provide customer-focused service for both external and internal users
- Work with E-Resources Librarian in evaluating e-resource platforms and their configurations.
- Assist E-Resources Librarian in troubleshooting and resolving access problems to e-resources, when needed. Act as back-up for these tasks when E-Resources Librarian is away.
- Maintain and share professional expertise
- With other Library Specialists, take a leadership role in establishing priorities and projects involving acquisition and management of library resources. Document and maintain policies and procedures.
- Engage in professional development, including contributing to local and regional groups through attending and/or presenting at conferences, listservs, workshops, meetings, and webinars.
- Keep abreast of changing technology and monitor library acquisitions trends, tools, models, and methods; utilizing and adapting current systems and methods as appropriate.
- Support library initiatives and goals within the university
- Contribute to committees, conversations and activities that support Library goals or enhance services provided to our user community.
- Contribute to library work groups and committees when called upon to explore, evaluate, or enhance services.
- Maintain awareness of University initiatives and support as appropriate.
Minimum Qualifications
- Bachelor's degree
- Three years of relevant library experience, five years preferred:
- Library experience to include the use of an integrated library system, preferably Ex Libris, and familiarity with electronic resource management and e-resources life cycle
- Demonstrated expert knowledge in one or more specialized areas of work: acquisitions, serials management, licensing, collection assessment, and e-resource management
- An equivalent combination of education and experience from which comparable knowledge and skills have been acquired may be substituted.
Preferred Qualifications
- Experience with electronic resource licensing in libraries
- Intermediate Excel skills
- Strong attention to detail
- High level of organization skills
How to Apply
Ex Libris Library Software
All interested candidates must apply online on the University of St. Thomas Employment website. Follow the instructions to complete an online application which includes creating or updating an applicant profile, uploading a resume, and completing a job specific application.